
Our CampusLink program

Our CampusLink program is designed to offer international students a personalized support experience in order to find the study program that perfectly matches their path and to facilitate their integration. Here is how we support students:

Steps to study in Canada
  • Choosing a program and educational institution
  • Obtaining an admission letter from the educational institution
  • Quebec Acceptance Certificate (CAQ) - MIFI Québec
  • Study permit and biometric data - IRCC Canada
  • Arrival in Canada
Expert advice:

Our team of education experts understand the intricacies of the Canadian education system and are able to provide personalized advice to international students. We take the time to listen to their aspirations, their objectives and their interests, in order to direct them towards the study programs best suited to their career path.

Targeted search:

We conduct an in-depth research of study programs available at Canadian educational institutions, taking into account students' academic preferences and specific requirements. This ensures that they are informed of the different options available to them and can make informed decisions.

Personalized support, we provide continuous support throughout the process.
  • Orientation and choice of study program depending on the route
  • Preparation of the application for admission to a designated educational institution (DES)
  • Obtaining the CAQ (for Quebec)
  • Applying for a study permit
  • Support in installation: housing, administrative procedures
Cultural integration:

We understand the importance of cultural integration for international students. We offer practical advice on life in Canada, including on-campus support services, community activities and opportunities for social interaction, to ease their transition and help them feel at home.

Thanks to our CampusLink support program, international students can have confidence in their choice of study program, be supported in their integration and maximize their educational experience in Canada. Contact our team for an evaluation and to learn more about our support offers.
- TalentLink -

Good reasons to study in Canada

Studying in Canada offers many benefits to international students looking for a quality education and enriching experience. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Quality of education: Canada is recognized globally for its high-quality education system, with renowned educational institutions offering wide range of programs and specializations.
  • Cultural diversity: Canada is a welcoming and diverse country, offering international students a multicultural environment conducive to personal development and the discovery of new perspectives.
  • Academic excellence: Canadian educational institutions are distinguished by their academic excellence, their cutting-edge facilities and their internationally renowned professors, thus offering students a superior education.
  • Research Opportunities: Canada is a world leader in many areas of research and provides opportunities for international students to participate in projects innovative research and contribute to the advancement of knowledge.
  • Post-graduation work permit program: International students who have completed a degree in Canada are eligible for a post-graduation work permit, allowing them to earn valuable work experience in the country after their studies.
  • High quality of life: Canada is renowned for its high quality of life, with safe and welcoming cities, beautiful natural landscapes and infrastructure modern, thus offering an ideal living environment for international students.
  • Job prospects: Canada's international graduates enjoy attractive job prospects, thanks to the global reputation of Canadian qualifications and demand of qualified labor in various sectors of the economy.
  • Favorable immigration system: Canada offers attractive immigration opportunities to international students who wish to pursue their careers and establish themselves permanently in the country after their studies.

The Canadian education system

The Canadian education system is renowned for its excellence and diversity. It consists of three levels: primary and secondary education, post-secondary education and higher education.

Primary and secondary education is compulsory in Canada and varies from province to province, but generally covers 12 years of schooling. Public schools offer free and quality education, while private schools are also available for tuition fees.

Postsecondary education includes colleges and universities. Colleges offer technical, vocational and pre-university programs, and award diplomas and certificates. Universities, on the other hand, offer undergraduate, graduate, and research programs.

It should be noted that the Canadian education system emphasizes practical learning, creativity, critical thinking and collaboration. Students are encouraged to actively participate in their own education and develop transferable skills that prepare them for success in the global job market.

Student Direct Stream (SDS)

Depending on where you live, you may be able to obtain a study permit more quickly through the Direct Study Stream (DEV). The VDE is open to legal residents of the following countries:

Contact our team for a personalized assessment.
